Part I Groundwork English 酒店基础英语
Lesson 1 Courtesy礼貌
Leadingin Why Courtesy is the manner we behave towards other people. Its the way everyone likes to be treated. Means what To be courteous is to be polite, friendly, understanding, respectful, smiling and helpful. It is the extra effort we put into our job that creates a good impression to our guests. If not, then
Courtesy is an essential part of all our jobs in the hotel. If theres no courtesy, a guest will feel he is not getting the kind of service that he expects and deserves, therefore he will not return. How As greeting is the first contact that we have with the guest, what we say will give the guest his first impression of us, and of the hotel. A friendly voice and message will not cost much, but will achieve excellent results. The guest will also feel more important if we are able to call him/her by his/her proper name. eg. Good morning, Mr. Wilson. Good evening, Miss Smith. We may also do this However it is more likely that we do not know the guest by name, particularly if we have not had any contact with him/her before. In this case, it is perfectly alright to call him/her as follows: Good morning, Sir. Good morning, Gentlemen. Good evening, Madam. Good afternoon, Ladies. And go on doing this Having made this first contact with the guest, it is then courteous to show some interest in him/her and add something pleasant. eg. Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? Welcome to our hotel. Pleased to meet you. Glad to see you. Nice to see you again. Part Ⅰ酒店基础英语饭店情景英语If the guests tell us that they are not feeling well, express some sympathy and concern. eg. Im sorry to hear that, Madam. And then ask how you may help. Dialogues
(C: ClerkG: Guest) C: Welcome to our hotel. G: Thank you.C: Welcome back to Holiday Inn. G: Thank you.C: How are you, Sir? G: Im fine. Thank you, and you?C: How do you do? G: How do you do?/Nice to meet you.C: Nice to see you, Madam. G: Thank you. Its nice to be here.C: Pleased to meet you. G: Happy to meet you too.C: May I help you, Sir? G: Yes. Id like to ask about the best food in your hotel.C: What can I do for you, Ladies? G: Yes, wed like to know where the nearest shopping centre is.
☆ If the conversation develops, remember a few points: ——Always remain formal towards the guests. ——Always remain courteous towards them. ——Never discuss personal issues. ——Always try to help them as much as you can. Words & Expressions
courtesy n. 礼貌;谦恭behave v. 举止;表现 courteous adj. 有礼貌的;谦恭的respectful adj. 尊敬人的;恭敬的 essential adj. 本质的;最重要的deserve v. 应受,值得 greeting n. 问候,招呼achieve v. 达到,得到;完成 contact n&v. 接触,交往;联系sympathy n. 同情;慰问 concern n&v. 关心;忧虑 Exercises 1. You will see some cards with guests names written on them. Practice greeting those guests with proper forms. eg. Good Morning, Mr. White.2. Respond properly to the following situations. Choose what you think right from the list below. Sometimes you may have more than one choice. (1)When a guest says “thank you”, your answer is (2)If a guest apologizes, your answer is (3)If you need to interrupt a guest for some reason, you say (4)If you dont understand a guest or you dont hear what the guest has said, you say (5)When a guest asks you for something or asks you to do something, avoid(避免) using just “yes”, youd better answer the guest with It suggests enthusiasm and a willingness to be helpful. (6)Remember always to allow a guest to walk through a door or walk into or out of an elevator first by saying (7)When you show a guest the way to his/her room or to a restaurant, you say A. Please follow me, Madam/Sir. B. Youre welcome. C. This way please, Madam/Sir. D. Excuse me, Madam/Sir. E. Thats all right, Madam/Sir. F. Im sorry to disturb you, Madam/Sir. G. Would you please repeat that, Madam/Sir? H. Im sorry. I. Certainly, Madam/Sir. J. I beg your pardon, Madam/Sir? K. After you, Madam/Sir. Knowledge Expansion 社交礼仪与禁忌(一)
英国(UK.)英国人崇尚彬彬有礼、举止得当的绅士淑女风度,尤其重视女士优先原则。他们往往感情不外露,视夸夸其谈、指手画脚、烦躁发火等为缺乏教养。英国人遵守纪律,在公共场合有排队的习惯。等候载人电梯,都在右侧排队。他们重契约,安排日程要求准确。英国人见面相互握手、道安,但男女间忌拥抱。英国人比较内向、寡言,与人交往初期比较矜持。交谈时,双方距离不喜欢太近。忌讳打听个人私事,回避北爱尔兰问题、君主制、王室等政治色彩较浓的话题。英国人不喜欢被统称为“English”(英格兰人),可将他们称为“British”(不列颠人)。 美国(USA)美国人见面与分手时行握手礼。不论男士、女士都应主动向对方伸手(女士先向男士伸手的习俗在美国已过时)。美国人平时穿着随便,但不可露出衬裤、衬裙。正式社交场合必须按请柬要求着装。商务交往中讲究守时,但在社交活动中他们经常迟到。盛行女士优先原则。与美国人交谈,忌过分谦虚和客套(美国人将其视为虚伪);忌距离太近;忌打听个人私事;忌称呼长者加“老”字(为负面价值);忌说别人“白”、“胖”(美国流行“富瘦黑,穷白胖”的价值观)。 加拿大(Canada)加拿大人的许多习惯与美国相同,但衣着、待人接物均比较正统,也比较守时。与他们交谈时,忌打听个人私事;忌将加拿大与美国进行比较,尤忌拿美国的优越方面与加拿大比较;忌谈魁北克独立运动问题,忌谈加拿大的英语区和法语区问题;忌称人“老”、“白”、“胖”(均为负面价值),年长者被称为“高龄公民”(senior citizen)。在别人家里做客,忌谈悲伤之事;不能吹口哨;不能在楼梯下面走;忌打碎玻璃制品;忌把盐弄洒。 澳大利亚(Australia)澳大利亚人的平等意识浓厚,与他们交往时应注意一视同仁,不要厚此薄彼。乘出租车必须有一人与司机并排坐,以示尊重。他们讲究约会守时,崇尚自信、自强。同他们交谈时不宜对其国内事务发表议论,也不要说“自谦”的客套话;不可竖大拇指表示赞扬(在当地视为下流动作);切忌对人眨眼。 法国(France)法国人重视女士优先原则,以“殷勤的法国人”而著称。法国人对穿戴极为讲究。他们的纪律性较差,约会经常迟到,但不容忍外国人迟到。法国人厌恶用英语交谈。他们与人交往时很热情,喜欢高谈阔论,喜欢轻松友好的交际气氛,喜欢在咖啡馆聚会。他们讲话直率,好许诺,但少兑现。对法国人不能过分谦虚(视为虚伪)。交谈时,忌打听个人私事。因历史原因,法国人与英国人互有成见,在接待活动中要避免让他们在一起。 德国(Germany)德国人纪律严明,讲究守时,讲究工作效率,重诺言,重认真履行契约(合同、日程、计划等)。任何安排发生变动必须事先通知对方,进行协商。德国人特别爱整洁,注重衣着,对旅游地的环保质量也有很高的要求。与德国人交谈,不要打听个人私事,也应注意回避德国统一后的国内政治问题。他们不爱听恭维话。德国人忌讳四人交叉式谈话;忌讳在公共场合窃窃私语。 |